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HomeREVIEW PAPERSUnlocking the Potential of Tetragonia decumbens (Dune Spinach): Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Economic...

Unlocking the Potential of Tetragonia decumbens (Dune Spinach): Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Economic Benefits for Bio-Saline Agriculture in South Africa

A recent study by Sogoni et al. (2025) titled “Evaluating the nutritional, therapeutic, and economic potential of Tetragonia decumbens Mill.: A promising wild leafy vegetable for bio-saline agriculture in South Africa” published in Open Agriculture reveals that Tetragonia decumbens Mill., also known as dune spinach, has significant potential for bio-saline agriculture in South Africa.

Tetragonia decumbens (dune spinach) offers exceptional potential for bio-saline agriculture, providing nutritional, therapeutic, economic, and environmental benefits in saline conditions.– Sogoni et al. 2025

This review explores the potential of Tetragonia decumbens Mill., commonly known as dune spinach, as a valuable crop for bio-saline agriculture in South Africa. It highlights the nutritional, therapeutic, and economic benefits of this underutilized halophyte, emphasizing its remarkable tolerance to high salinity. The article delves into its applications in human health, its role in the phytoremediation of saline soils, and its use as a natural source of dietary salt. Additionally, the review examines the plant’s morphology, ecological adaptations, propagation techniques, and cultivation requirements, aiming to encourage further research and promote the adoption of this promising wild vegetable in agricultural and commercial contexts.

How the Study was Conducted

The authors employed research articles from databases such as Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The authors used keywords like “Dune spinach,” “Tetragonia,” “Wild edible halophytes,” “Phytoremediation,” “Medicinal value of Tetragonia,” and “Nutritional value of halophytes” to find relevant articles. The initial screening of search results was based on titles and abstracts to identify potentially relevant articles. The articles used for the research were limited to original research articles written in English. The study aimed to examine the potential of domesticating wild dune spinach as a leafy vegetable, describing its morphology and ecology, propagation and cultivation requirements, and its potential benefits to human health and phytoremediation.

What the Authors Found

The authors found that Tetragonia decumbens Mill., also known as dune spinach, has significant potential for bio-saline agriculture in South Africa. Dune spinach is rich in essential nutrients such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. It can be a valuable source of dietary minerals. The authors also found that the plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial for human health. The study also posit that the commercial cultivation of dune spinach could provide economic benefits, especially in regions with saline soils where conventional crops struggle to grow.

Why is this important?

Food Security: With the global population expected to rise significantly by 2050, there is an urgent need to increase food production. Dune spinach, being a salt-tolerant plant, can be cultivated in saline soils where conventional crops struggle, thus contributing to food security.

Nutritional Value: Dune spinach is rich in essential nutrients like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. It can help address micronutrient deficiencies, which affect millions of people worldwide.

Therapeutic Potential: The plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial for human health. This makes it a potential source of natural remedies for various health conditions.

Phytoremediation: Dune spinach can be used to remediate saline soils by accumulating and removing toxic ions. This helps improve soil health and makes it suitable for growing other crops.

Economic Potential: The commercial cultivation of dune spinach could provide economic benefits, especially in regions with saline soils. It can create new agricultural opportunities and improve livelihoods.

Climate Change Adaptation: As climate change leads to increased soil salinity and water scarcity, plants like dune spinach that can thrive in such conditions become crucial for sustainable agriculture.

What the Authors Recommended

  • The authors suggest that more studies should be conduct on the plant’s nutritional composition, therapeutic potential, and phytoremediation capabilities to support its use as a leafy vegetable and in soil remediation.
  • The study emphasize developing easy, suitable, and cost-effective propagation protocols to prevent over-harvesting and promote large-scale production.
  • The study also recommends performing field experiments to assess the plant’s growth performance and phytoremediation effects in salt-affected soils.
  • The authors also advocate increasing awareness and education about the benefits of dune spinach through agricultural education curricula and public campaigns.
  • Advocate for policy changes and improved research funding to support the cultivation and commercialization of halophytes like dune spinach.
  • In addition, publish research findings in journals, conferences, and reports to disseminate knowledge and promote the plant’s use.

In conclusion, Tetragonia decumbens Mill., or dune spinach, emerges as a highly promising solution for addressing key challenges in agriculture, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. Its exceptional tolerance to saline conditions, coupled with its rich nutritional profile and therapeutic properties, makes it an invaluable crop for bio-saline agriculture in South Africa and beyond. By promoting its cultivation, raising awareness of its benefits, and investing in further research and development, dune spinach has the potential to contribute significantly to food security, economic growth, and climate change adaptation. This underutilized halophyte represents a beacon of hope for sustainable agricultural practices in the face of global challenges.

Cite this article as (APA format):

AR Managing Editor (2025). Unlocking the Potential of Tetragonia decumbens (Dune Spinach): Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Economic Benefits for Bio-Saline Agriculture in South Africa. Retrieved from


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