A recent by Balogun, et al., (2024) titled “INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN IN ADEOYO HOSPITAL IBADAN, OYO STATE” Published in African Journal for the Psychological Studies of Social issue shows that psychosocial factors such as social support, marital satisfaction, and job satisfaction significantly influence the psychological well-being of pregnant women.
Marital satisfaction significantly predicts psychological well-being in pregnant women, emphasizing the importance of fostering healthy spousal relationships during pregnancy– Balogun et al., 2024
The article delves into the impact of psychosocial factors on the psychological well-being of pregnant women at Adeoye Hospital in Ibadan, Oyo State. It investigates how social support, marital satisfaction, and job satisfaction influence their mental health. Using a cross-sectional survey involving 145 participants, the study employs multiple regression analysis to test hypotheses. The results underscore the significant role of marital satisfaction in predicting psychological well-being during pregnancy. Consequently, the article stresses the importance of fostering quality marital relationships, social support networks, and job satisfaction to improve the psychological well-being of pregnant women.
How the Study was Conducted
The study employed an ex-post facto method with a cross-sectional research design, meaning the variables of interest had already occurred naturally before the study began. The research was conducted at Adeoye General Hospital, a government-owned hospital in Ibadan. Purposive sampling was employed to select 145 pregnant women as participants. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, which included socio-demographic variables and scales to measure psychological well-being, perceived social support, marital satisfaction, and job satisfaction. Ethical approval was obtained, and data were collected during antenatal care sessions over four weeks. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, with 146 returned and used for analysis.
What the Authors Found
The authors of the study found that psychosocial factors such as social support, marital satisfaction, and job satisfaction significantly influence the psychological well-being of pregnant women. Specifically, marital satisfaction was identified as having a significant independent impact on psychological well-being.
Why is this Important
Maternal Well-being: Pregnancy is a critical period in a woman’s life, and her psychological well-being directly impacts her overall health and the health of the developing fetus. Understanding the factors that influence maternal well-being allows healthcare providers to offer targeted support and interventions.
Healthcare Policies: Insights from this research can inform healthcare policies and guidelines. By recognizing the role of marital satisfaction and social support, policymakers can design programs that enhance these aspects for pregnant women, leading to better mental health outcomes.
Clinical Practice: Healthcare professionals can incorporate these findings into their clinical practice. Identifying pregnant women at risk of poor psychological well-being based on marital satisfaction levels allows for early intervention and support.
Couple Counseling: Couples expecting a child can benefit from this knowledge. Strengthening marital bonds and fostering open communication during pregnancy can positively impact both partners’ mental health.
What the Authors Recommend
- The authors recommend that pregnant women should seek and maintain strong social support networks. Having friends, family, and community members who provide emotional and practical assistance can positively impact psychological well-being during pregnancy.
- The authors also suggest that couples expecting a child should prioritize their marital relationship. Open communication, empathy, and mutual support contribute to better mental health outcomes for both partners.
- In addition, job-related stress can affect psychological well-being. Pregnant women should explore strategies to manage work-related stress and find satisfaction in their professional lives.
- Furthermore, the authors posit that healthcare providers should incorporate these findings into prenatal care. Identifying women at risk of poor psychological well-being allows for targeted interventions and support.
In conclusion, this study sheds light on the crucial interplay between psychosocial factors and the psychological well-being of pregnant women. With a focus on social support, marital satisfaction, and job satisfaction, our findings underscore the significance of holistic support systems in ensuring positive mental health outcomes during pregnancy. By integrating these insights into healthcare policies, clinical practice, and personal relationships, we can empower pregnant women to navigate this transformative journey with resilience and well-being. Let us continue to prioritize the nurturing of strong social connections, thriving marital relationships, and fulfilling professional lives to cultivate an environment where every expecting mother can flourish mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Cite this article as (APA format):
AR Managing Editor (2024). Enhancing Maternal Well-being: The Impact of Marital Satisfaction, Social Support, and Job Satisfaction on Pregnant Women’s Psychological Health – Insights from Adeoye Hospital Study. Retrieved from https://www.africanresearchers.org/enhancing-maternal-well-being-the-impact-of-marital-satisfaction-social-support-and-job-satisfaction-on-pregnant-womens-psychological-health-insights-from-adeoye-hospital-study/