Index Status: ACTIVE [Listed in AR Index] as at Feb 2025 AR Index Number: 487748
ChronAfrica is an international, refereed, scientific journal publishing electronically supporting all social-science studies with respect to Africa prioritizing International Relationships, History and Literature. ChronAfrica, aiming to publish two issues per year with one in March and the other one in September, publishes unique scientific articles in Turkish, English and French. Furthermore, the journal may publish special issues regarding African-specific topics. Journal ChronAfrica includes studies loyal to ethics of research and publication. ChronAfrica implements publication processes objectively, providing feedback to authors related with their research. The articles published in the journal may involve the self-evaluations and ideas of the authors as well as scientific findings and the issues agreed upon on common ground. ChronAfrica does not accept legal liabilities respecting the expressions utilized by authors in their work.
- - - Journal Fees - - -
Submission Fees: No
Amount: $
Publication Fees: No
Amount: $
- - - About The Journal - - -
Journal Title: ChronAfrica
Journal Acronym: ChronAfrica
Journal Publisher: Abdullah ÖZdağ
Journal or Publisher Affiliation: Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
Journal or Publisher Address:
Journal Official Email:
- - - Journal Officers - - -
Journal Editor: Abdullah Özdağ
Journal Managing Editor: Abdullah Özdağ
- - - Other Information - - -
• Journal ChronAfrica accepts manuscripts only in the languages of Turkish, English and French.
• All manuscripts must be comprised of the sections of title, abstract, key words, main text, conclusion and bibliography.
• Submitted manuscripts of between 3000 and 10000 are taken into consideration.
• Research papers must be organized in compilence with the classical bottom-of-page footnote method. Complience with the original text format is required regarding book reviews and translated texts.
• All manuscripts must be prepared in Word format and then uploaded to the journal database.
• The authors comtributing to the work and in what order they will appear must be specified. The subsequent changes to be applied on manuscripts is not allowed.
• Authors are required to upload the Copy Right Agreement form to the manuscript submission system. Upon the submission of this form, the manuscript
Publication Ethics: Publication Policy
The academic articles published in ChronAfrica Journal objectively aim to contribute to scientific developments. The journal’s process of publishing is handled in a fashion similar to those fostered by organizations carrying out scientific activities in the international realm. Therefore, the stakeholders of ChronAfrica involving referees, authors, etc. taking place in ChronAfrica Journal’s sphere of activity have to comply with international standards with respect to eth