Index Status: ACTIVE [Listed in AR Index] as at Feb 2025 AR Index Number: 404422
Pharmacology & Toxicology of Natural Medicines (ISSN: 2756-6838) is an open access journal that is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in natural medicines. The journal is published only in English. It reports all aspects of the pharmacology and toxicology of extracts, fractions of extracts, isolated compounds or their synthetic derivatives, and formulated products that are of natural origin (e.g. from plants, mushrooms, animals, microbes, and marine creatures). Manuscripts are published as original articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editor after a fast but rigorous peer review process. Specific areas within the scope of the journal include:
Evaluation of safety and/or efficacy of natural extracts, fractions, and isolated compounds or their synthetic derivatives.
Investigation of the scientific basis for the effects of natural medicines. Repositioning studies of natural medicines with known safety and efficacy. Clinical evaluations including observati
- - - Journal Fees - - -
Submission Fees: Yes
Amount: $10
Publication Fees: Yes
Amount: $
- - - About The Journal - - -
Journal Title: Pharmacology and Toxicology of Natural Medicines
Journal Acronym: PHATOXNATMED
Journal Publisher: Phytomedicine Research Group
Journal or Publisher Affiliation: Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
Journal Official Email:
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Journal Editor: Editor-in-Chief
Journal Managing Editor: Managing Editor
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Submission Guidelines: Additional Information for Authors
Use of Third Party Materials: To avoid issues associated with copyrights, authors should obtain written permission whenever third party materials are used in manuscripts. In some cases the editors may request for the written permission for a material.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest: A subhead “Declaration of Conflict of Interest” must be placed immediately after “Acknowledgements”. Authors should declare such conflicts. If there is none, the authors may state “The authors declare no conflict of interest”.
Ethics of Experiments: Authors must ensure that all experiments are in compliance with international codes for the use of humans and animals in experiments. A declarative statement should be inserted in “Materials and Methods” and the appropriate international codes cited. Human experiments will in addition require that a statement of informed consent and privacy be made in the “Methods”. In spite of informed consent, au
Publication Ethics: Authors must ensure that all experiments are in compliance with international codes for the use of humans and animals in experiments. A declarative statement should be inserted in “Materials and Methods” and the appropriate international codes cited. Human experiments will in addition require that a statement of informed consent and privacy be made in the “Methods”. In spite of informed consent, authors must ensure that information pertaining to each patient is completely anonymized. In